Meet The Team

Ray Vega Jr

Stanton Clower

Abhijeet G

Grace Abes

Ray Vega Jr
Ray was first introduced to us when he was still a senior in Highschool, by his friend, Noah Gomez, who was one of our first ever teammates from years ago. Ray and Noah played on Gilbert Highs’ varsity football team together. When Noah approached us asking if we’d consider hiring Ray - the conversation wasn’t very long. Noah vouched for Ray…we had a very informal interview and he came on board. Noah made it clear though, “Dont screw up, I vouched for you.” (And coming from a guy who benched 350lbs and squatted 500lbs, people usually listen lol) Ray is like, “Mr Cool”...not too much upsets him ... .not too much gets him overly excited (except maybe Cardinals and Suns games)...he’s just very mellow and easy going. He’s definitely a family man. Having to become man of the house after his dads unexpected passing when Ray was only 15, he became much more mature than your average teenage boy. Ray was #2 in the state in tackles his Senior year, he’s our most tenured teammate and proudly holds his role as an amazing team support figure. It’s truly been a pleasure having come into each other's lives when and how we did. Having watched him start out years ago at $12/hr …being trained from the ground up on our detailing procedures ... .to now living on his own, with a new car and having moved up to one of our lead Paint Protection Film installers - has really been a blessing to be a part of. Ray started in the Detailing section of W&W. After a few months he gravitated to Paint Protection Film, telling me (Wills) he thought it looked super satisfying to apply (and yet, he ignored the abundance of swear words coming from me during my frustrations of first learning how to install!) After over a year and a half of working side by side with him, showing him the way of the PPF Ninja, he’s now a very accomplished installer and well rounded teammate. Ray is truly the kind of man most parents want their sons to grow up to be. He’s polite, he listens, he genuinely cares when he’s speaking to people and really has a great heart. I’ve loved having Ray as a long term part of our team - and look forward to the many years together that we have to come.

Stanton Clower
“Clower!” If you’re inside our location for long, you’ll likely hear somebody yell his last name (likely because they desperately need something taken apart…or put back together lol) We all affectionately call Stanton by his last name, Clower, because of how we met. For years, Clower was a student at my girlfriend's Starworld Tang Soo Do Martial Arts Studio in Goodyear,Az. I was a student there for a couple of years as well - and in Tang Soo Do, you typically refer to one another by their last name…so I came to know him as Mr Clower. After receiving his black belt in TSD, he temporarily worked at Starworld before going on to work at Lincoln/Ford and applying to go to mechanics school....RIGHT before COVID. Covid hit, he found out the classes he was supposed to begin were canceled and wouldn’t resume till months in the future. While I felt bad for his situation…I’m never someone to pass up a good opportunity and having known him for years, I could tell he was an extremely smart and talented young man. We offered him a job at W&W, arranged to pay for the rest of his mechanic schooling once it resumed. After he graduated (with stellar grades I’ll add), I remember asking him what his next steps would be…and to my surprise he said that he’d like to stay with us. I still remember the sense of surprise…but also pride, that he’d choose to stay with us. This is a smart kid (he’s a 6’5 grown ass man, but I still call him a kid) who has many different opportunities he could pursue, but he chose to stay with us. As of mid 2023, he’s been with us just shy of 2.5 years…hopefully another 30 or so to go :). I would say he’s a Jack of all trades, but realistically, he’s honestly our ace in many different areas. An extremely talented detailer, Paint Correction specialist and Ceramic Coating installer. If I were to choose someone to ceramic coat my car…anyone…I’d pick him. He literally has his installations down to a science…like, literally times between layers, curing times depending on temperature and so on. He’s our gear head. Our super clean paint protection film wrap and tint installs don’t happen by luck…they happen by prep. Having someone skilled in how to carefully disassemble and reassemble certain areas as a part of our prep process prior to doing certain wrap installs - mean’s you’re not only going to have an amazing looking wrap, You’re also going to have everything reinstalled back to spec when it's finished. That picture above of him in the engine bay of his BMW up above…yeah, he pulled that thing out and reinstalled a new one pretty much by himself…. in 5 days. The amount of Red Bull and sugar that went into this effort are still in question, but still quite the accomplishment. He is also our AlloyGator installation specialist. If you own a Tesla, he can have a set installed on your wheels in under an hour….did I mention he likes to literally get things down to a science? He’s still keeping logs of how long it takes him to complete his installments and pass QC on every car. In addition to all of his skills, he’s one hell of a teammate, a friendfriend and somebody we’re proud to have in our squad.

Abhijeet G
Abhijeet, aka “Jeet” is our man behind the scenes. You’ll never see him, but he’s involved in many of the innerworkings on the back end of almost every project. While he has his hands on many things from website edits to software troubleshooting…his most frequent task is building out our PPF (Paint Protection Film) designs. If you’ve ever called us for a PPF project and you want to know if we can wrap your vehicle, how much it’s going to cost and how long it will take – that journey starts with Abhijeet. From making sure all the areas you’re wanting to have covered are included – to making sure we’re as efficient with our film use as possible (which saves our customers money and prevents excessive waste), these are all things he diligently works on for every PPF quote request we receive. Jeet has been a huge blessing for us – a super dedicated part of our team, always messing around with Maurice in chat (this can seriously get funny!), he’s always a positive lift to every one’s day and we love having him with us.

Grace Abes
Grace has been with us since mid 2023 and has grown to be a very dear part of W&W. If you’ve ever chatted in on FB or IG, chances are, you’ve had a chance to converse with Grace. She’s very detailed, a great communicator and customer service provider. She has also saved my sanity on a number of occasions. “Grace….I need help with a spreadsheet!” She’s probably heard this from me more times than I can count! The work she does to help keep our inner reporting clear and functioning all while answering our online customers questions and concerns has a huge effect on helping us keep organized and on top of things, even as small of a team as we are. We also just found out, Grace is expecting a new addition to her family, a little boy, this August! If you happen to chat in and get her on the other side…make sure to say hello…and if you ask I’m sure she’ll even send you a picture of her fur babies (Chico, Snappy, Crinkles, and Sugar!)

Eb’s, shop dog and designated greeter.